Your doorway to go deeper
Do you know the number-one mistake most people make when encountering a problem? They don’t solve the problem before the problem. Now, you may be asking yourself, What’s Taylor talking about? How can there be a problem before my problem? My friend, I assure you that there is, and I’m going to tell you what it is and how…
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Before Abigail was born, my mom said, ” I see a blonde curly headed girl twirling all the time. She is spinning and spinning.” Here we are now with nearly a two year old daughter, Abigail does just that! At some point of nearly every day, my mom, my wife or myself begin to worship…
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You’ve probably heard the saying, “Fake it ‘til you make it.” It’s actually one of my least favorite sayings. It’s a catchy but destructive idea that does more harm than good, and here’s why: You can’t truly “make it” if you don’t have integrity. And integrity is the opposite of fake. It literally means being…
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Here are Nelson Mandela’s eight lessons of leadership with some comments from my perspective. As I read through them recently, I was reminded that these are truths that work well for world leaders, and also pretty well for church leaders. 1. Courage is not the absence of fear—it is inspiring others to move beyond it. Having worked with…
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I was reading an article by Dave Ramsey the other day and I wanted to share it. I literally just copied and pasted this. This in a very though provoking article. Enjoy reading! “Recently, I got in my car and noticed that my gas tank was full. I noticed this immediately because my gas tank…
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