Category: Blog

Your doorway to go deeper

Letting Go of Getting Credit

I was reading an article by Dave Ramsey the other day and I wanted to share it. I literally just copied and pasted this. This in a very though provoking article. Enjoy reading!   “Recently, I got in my car and noticed that my gas tank was full. I noticed this immediately because my gas tank…
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Do You Want To See The Lord?

The senior pastor of the largest church in the world, Dr. David Yonggi Cho. In the 1980’s there were 750,000 people in his church. When traveling and speaking to churches in America, Cho always brought with him several people. One of Dr. Cho’s lead businessman said, “I have important matters to discuss with you. First and foremost,…
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Bounce Back From Your Setback

Do you know any rubber-band people? Chances are you do. They’re the people who, no matter what happens to them, always seem to bounce back. They may experience an illness, a family tragedy, or a run of bad luck, but it never seems to keep them down. Life can stretch them to their breaking point,…
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How Do You Dream Big?

At some point in your life you have dreamed of doing something. I remember when I was little, one day I wanted to be an optometrist. A friend of my parents owned his own clinic and I went and visited him and I thought the machines were so cool. I knew then and there, I…
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Joseph; They Didn’t Care

Joseph was a child born from a woman who was never suppose to be able to conceive. God touched her and she was able to conceive a child who they named Joseph. Joseph grew up just a little different then his siblings. His father loved him but his brothers… not so much. One night Joseph…
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