Category: Posts

Your doorway to go deeper

The Leaders Greatest Return

If you’re a leader, you should be developing other leaders. It’s the single-greatest investment you can make because it produces the single greatest return. Nothing helps an organization like more leaders; in fact, I’ve never once had an organization tell me, “You know, John—we just have too many leaders.”  In order to develop leaders, however,…
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Lift The Lid

Somewhere today a young person is working hard at their desk, hoping to be considered for a promotion. Somewhere today an older person thinks about their looming retirement and hopes to find something productive to do with their next phase of life. Somewhere today, hundreds of thousands of people, young and old, dream of a…
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Sweet Spot

One of the greatest coaches of all time, John Wooden, was famous for getting the most out of his players. Coach Wooden would spend the first few weeks of practice watching his players closely to see where they performed best. He believed that each player had a sweet spot on the court, and once he…
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Communicate On Purpose

1. Make it real by leading from the top.Your workforce wants to know what’s going on…they want to know who they work for and what it means to them to work at your company. Demonstrate your company’s commitment to the message by placing your leaders front and center. There’s a story behind your vision, mission…
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