
Your doorway to go deeper

Bounce Back From Your Setback

Do you know any rubber-band people? Chances are you do. They’re the people who, no matter what happens to them, always seem to bounce back. They may experience an illness, a family tragedy, or a run of bad luck, but it never seems to keep them down. Life can stretch them to their breaking point,…
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How Do You Dream Big?

At some point in your life you have dreamed of doing something. I remember when I was little, one day I wanted to be an optometrist. A friend of my parents owned his own clinic and I went and visited him and I thought the machines were so cool. I knew then and there, I…
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Joseph; They Didn’t Care

Joseph was a child born from a woman who was never suppose to be able to conceive. God touched her and she was able to conceive a child who they named Joseph. Joseph grew up just a little different then his siblings. His father loved him but his brothers… not so much. One night Joseph…
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5 Steps to Develop Discipline

The key is on focusing on a result you really want. In this sense, the key to discipline is goal-setting. Over the years, I have found that I can become disciplined in any area of my life by taking five specific steps. Whether it is trying to get in shape, maintain a blog, or develop a great…
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Live Today Intentionally

At the beginning of the year, I’ve noticed it can be the most productive time for many people: gyms are packed, motivational quotes are tacked to office walls, and people are constantly talking about their new diet or their new pledge to becoming a better person. As someone committed to a life of personal growth, it’s…
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