Live Today Intentionally

At the beginning of the year, I’ve noticed it can be the most productive time for many people: gyms are packed, motivational quotes are tacked to office walls, and people are constantly talking about their new diet or their new pledge to becoming a better person. As someone committed to a life of personal growth, it’s amazing to be surrounded by so many people on a journey towards improvement.
It makes me a little sad to know within a few weeks of the year beginning, the gym won’t be as crowded, those motivational quotes will be covered up by more pressing thingsa, the only thing left of some of those diets will be the label on the Diet Coke bottle.
All because good intentions aren’t enough.
See, a good intention is a great idea without consistent action. A person with good intentions looks at a new year and says, “This year I will do something about my problem.” A person with good intentions might take a first step, like joining a gym, or maybe even a few steps after that, like working out a few days for the first couple of weeks in January. But inevitably, good intentions don’t last.
We live in a culture that encourages good intentions, but is less excited about being intentional – and there’s a big difference.
Here are some of the words that describe a life of good intentions: desire, wish, hopefully, someday. Notice anything familiar about them? Do you see a connection? All of those words are about unfulfilled longing. They’re passive.
Now take a look at some words that describe a life of intentionality: action, purpose, definitely, today. What do they have in common? They are all active, in the now, committed. They are the words of people who get things done, people who live intentionally.
I learned about intentionality through my father’s example. When he was younger, he noticed that successful people think differently than unsuccessful people, so he read books to change his thinking. When I was a kid, he turned our house into the place for my friends and me to hang out so he could influence my choice in friends.
My father still accomplishes more than many people, all because he’s always been intentional about his life.
Do you know why most people quit going to the gym so soon after the new year begins? Do you know why so many people give up on their diets, or lose their motivation at work? The answer is simple: they’re only motivated to improve themselves. And because they’re only in it for themselves, they let themselves off the hook too easily. We grade ourselves on a curve; everyone else is pass/fail.
But what if your actions weren’t motivated by just your own success? What if your diet had more to do with being healthy for your kids? What if your motivation for work was to make the office a better place for everyone else? What if the purpose of the gym was to encourage others as they worked towards their goals?
That’s the key to intentional living: daily actions focused on making a difference, large or small, in someone else’s life.
What about your goals for 2016? Whether it’s to lose weight, work smarter, or otherwise improve in some way, how can you shift the focus from yourself to someone else? I promise you, just that one small change can be the difference between not meeting your goals and succeeding beyond your wildest dreams.
This is the year you change your life by changing the lives of the people around you. Let 2016 be your year of living intentionally.
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[…] particularly love the way Taylor Chapman succinctly put it in his post on “How To Live Today Intentionally”. He […]
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